Content: 18024_Analiz_i_otsenka_effektivnosti_marketingovoi_774_deyatelnosti_banka_na_primere_PAO_Sberbank.ra (95.21 KB)
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Table of contents

Introduction 2
1. theoretical aspects of marketing activity of the enterprise 4
1.1 Concept and content of marketing activities 4
1.2 The importance and role of marketing at the enterprise 8
1.3. Methods of analysis and evaluation of marketing activity efficiency 12
2) Analysis and evaluation of the bank´s marketing activity on the example of PJSC "Sberbank" 19
2.1.Characteristics of "Sberbank" enterprise 19
2.2. Marketing activity analysis and evaluation 26
2.3. Marketing service improvement recommendations and performance evaluation 30
Conclusion 37
List of used literature 39
Annexes 41

The urgency of the topic of this work is that today it is becoming increasingly clear - the competition in the market involves the active use of communication policy tools. It is necessary to build effective schemes of product promotion, which will help the consumer to make a choice and at the same time eliminate from the market less qualitative and uncompetitive goods and services. Nowadays marketing is also a real factor of added value creation, in this connection the urgency of activity directed on realization of marketing policy of the enterprise increases even more.
Modern situation on the market and growth of enterprises, specializing on rendering of services, made to look at principles of marketing strategy formation in a new way. Traditional methods of formation and choice of alternatives in strategic planning need improvement and adaptation to specific conditions.
The purpose of this work is to study modern measures that contribute to the improvement, as well as the development of marketing technology tools. As well as the development of measures that contribute to the improvement of tour services in the market.
In order to achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks:
- to study the content of the basic concepts of marketing and marketing activities;
- to reveal the mechanism of marketing management in the organization;
- to analyze the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise;
- to analyze the marketing activities of PJSC "Sberbank";
- develop proposals for improving the technology of marketing instruments;
- to calculate the economic efficiency of the recommended measure.
The object of research in this qualification work is PJSC "Sberbank".
The subject of this research is the marketing activity of small businesses, including technologies, methods, tools.
Theoretical base of the research was made up of educational, scientific literature devoted to marketing issues, in particular, materials from professional journals.
Information base: analysis of regulatory documents (Charter, job descriptions, staff schedule), methods of statistical processing of information, observation, etc.
All the above has predetermined the structure of the graduate qualification work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography list.
Conclusion .

By bringing quality goods to market, the company should not only be able to sell them to modern consumers, but also competently provide them with an informative and attractive message. Given the increasing competition in today´s environment, businesses need a sustainable consumer preference for their products.
The use of IMC allows to reduce the cost part of the enterprise through close coordination with all elements of the marketing complex, to build a clear system of communication with the potential client and to form a favorable image.
"Sberbank widely enough uses the main elements of the marketing communications complex, but some of them should be expanded and deepened to achieve greater productivity and profitability. The efficiency of marketing in terms of marketing mix is quite high, the greatest efficiency is provided by the price strategy, and as for product and distribution and promotion strategies, they require minor adjustments. As a whole it is caused by not absolutely optimum commodity portfolio, and also by limited methods of stimulation.
Sberbank marketers widely use various means of marketing communications: advertising, sales promotion and propaganda. Among the main means of distribution of advertising and information materials of the organization should be noted: outdoor advertising, advertising in the press, radio advertising, advertising on the Internet.
In 2017, Sberbank prepared and placed more than 250 advertising materials in the mass media, such as newspapers and magazines, radio, subway, outdoor video, placement of
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