Content: 80 Валютный курс как инструмент макроэкономического регулирования (3) (1).rar (54.11 KB)
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1.1. The essence of the currency rate 5
1.2. Types of currency rates 6
1. 3. Course Factors 11
2. 1. Relationship of the exchange rate and foreign trade in theoretical constructions.15
2. 2. The ruble exchange rate as a factor of Russia´s foreign trade 21
2. 3. Currency rate as an aggregated macroeconomic instrument 25


Globalization is one of the fundamental civilizational trends of our time. More and more goods, services, capital and people are involved in cross-border movement. And since different countries use different currencies, the issue of the exchange rate is extremely topical, which is why the topic "Exchange rate as an instrument of macroeconomic regulation" is topical.
It should be noted that if we consider the exchange rate from the standpoint of formal logic, then, strictly speaking, it is not an instrument of macroeconomic regulation, moreover, it is the object of such regulation. However, since its changes (no matter what their source, even if they are the efforts of the country´s central bank) lead to changes in the country´s macroeconomic proportions, it can be regarded as a monetary instrument of macroeconomic regulation, but only under the condition that its role is peculiar and twofold: both the exchange rate influences, among other things, the dynamics of the country´s foreign trade and it affects the exchange rate. Therefore, in the text of this paper, where we talk about currency exchange rate factors, it should be understood that there is an opposite influence (i.e. the exchange rate acquires the features of the subject of our study). The same applies to the actual use of the exchange rate as an instrument of macroeconomic regulation.
The purpose of this work is thus to establish the nature of mutual influence of the exchange rate and the basic macroeconomic indicators of the national economy, i.e. the place of the exchange rate in the system of these indicators. In accordance with this objective, the following tasks will need to be addressed:
- To establish the nature and nature of the exchange rate;
- Analysis of factors influencing the exchange rate on key economic processes and macroeconomic indicators.
The object of the study, in the broadest sense, is the country´s participation in international economic relations. The subject, accordingly, is the exchange rate as a phenomenon of open economy. The object of observation, on the materials of which this research is conducted, is an abstract national economy, taking into account the specific features of individual economies (since it is more than obvious that the exchange rate as a macroeconomic instrument behaves very differently in the economies of Solomon Islands or South Korea).
The structure of the robot is composed of two chapters, the first of which is of a theoretical nature - it examines the basic aspects of the essence of the concept of the exchange rate, its types, and also clarifies some points regarding its relationship to the most important macroeconomic indicators. The second, applied section deals with the specific mechanism of the subject of our study.
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