Description of the book.
Grandchildren are not only our future, but the whole country. After all, it is they who have to master all the professions of this world. But here is what they are now, that in their life a funny thing happens, starting from the very first steps, and this book will be discussed in a humorous book. What and how they talk among themselves, what they think. And how often we parents, as well as grandparents, begin to scold them, although it is at this moment that you just need to laugh in a kind way. Probably, as the author of this book, I was not able to fully reveal all the secrets of their existence, although I have been watching these young children for so long.
Product description.
A humorous book offered by its author without intermediaries. Tags: humor, satire, simple and funny stories from the lives of children. Date of publication: 2019. The volume of the book is from 110 to 320 pages, depending on the screen size of your email. devices. The file size of the book is 216 KB, including the cover. The book is provided to you in the very widespread “fb2” format and opens on any devices: smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. If, nevertheless, one of the readers has problems opening or reading my book, do not worry, it’s can be fixed in a few minutes. Go to the Internet, type “Reader” and download the program “AlReader”. This program is absolutely free and will take up the minimum amount on your device, it is easiest to find by the blue logo of the letter “A” with glasses on. By the way, this “Reader” can help you read many other books. Have a nice rest and modestly hope you enjoy my book.
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