Content: Ответы.docx (17.45 KB)
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Estimation of the property, the cost of which is paid for by the beginning of the depreciation during the period of its usefulness, is available
by subtracting from the original (or fixed) cost of the accumulated warmth, it is called ... cost
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It is not false that the method of evaluating property, obligations and business operations is ... cost
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Lack of one member of the commission for the implementation of the inventory ...
Check the correct answer:
usually can´t
in any case can’t

STORAGE TIME FOR PRIMARY DOCUMENTS (excluding personal accounts of workers and employees), which is limited to the Federal Law
Law "On Accounting" No. 129-FZ of 11.21.1996, states ...
Check the correct answer:
75 years
10 years
5 years
3 years

Estimation of the property, acquired for the payment, is carried out ...
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at actual costs associated with the production of this property
by summing the actual costs incurred
at current market value at the posting date

The control center for the safekeeping of the property of the organization is such a method of accounting, like ...
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double entry

Inventory of material supplies for the whole organization is ... an inventory
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full (general)
selective (local)

It is not false that it can be used as a unit of calculation ...
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Non-rectification of the use of tobacco or bank documents ...
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allowed, but signed by the director and chief accountant
not allowed
The sources of the land funds are ...
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non-current and current assets
accounts receivable and payable
long-term and short-term liabilities
long-term and short-term financial investments

In the source of the formation of the property of the organization as an object of accounting, two groups include ...
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non-current and current assets
long-term and short-term liabilities
accounts receivable and payable
equity and borrowed capital

It´s nice that the odd registers are not the same ...
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the books

Checking the contents of the contents of the document - this ...
Check the correct answer:
the correctness of the calculations in the document
completeness and correctness of the design of the document, the correctness of filling in the details
legality of documented operations, logical linking of individual indicators

Accounting financial accounting is ...
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accounting based on statistical methods, providing for the creation of a system for collecting, analyzing, accumulating information, identifying trends that allow us to predict
consequences of this or that action

a unified system of data on the property and financial position of the organization and on the results of its business activities, based on data
accounting in established forms

an integrated system of accounting for costs and revenues, their rationing, planning, control and analysis, providing for the systematization of initial information for
decision making, to develop and coordinate future development challenges

an orderly and regulated process of collecting, registering and summarizing in monetary terms information about property, equity, liabilities,
business processes, revenues, expenses and financial results of the organization

The accounting method, which generalizes the system of indicators ...
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