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One of the most significant peculiarities of the Japanese manager for a long time was considered the unlawful law, called ...
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scientific and technological progress
lifelong recruitment
domestic manufacturer support
rapid career growth

The Law of the Situation in the 1920s for the first time was formed ...
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R. Kalman
A. Rappoport
M. Follett
L. Bertalanffy

Convenient access to the results distinguishes ... control
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The main bureaucratic school of the managerial school is considered ...
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Henri Fayolle
Max Weber
Frederick Taylor
Karl Marx

According to the concept of B. Gerchikov, a man with economic motivation ...
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strives to take full responsibility for the cause
ready to do the job with maximum return without any control from
looking for opportunities to prove that he is able to perform work that not everyone can do
requires high wages
does not insist that the work is very interesting or highly paid

It is believed that ... for the first time, an idea was expressed that the main government should be a part of the property, as long as it
controversial in human nature
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The ideas of the school of human relations have gained development ...
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in 1800–1885
in the period 1885 - 1920s.
in the 1920-1930s
in the 1930–1950s

The word “open” in the term “open system” refers to well-known organizations that means that ...
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for the normal functioning of any organization, it needs to exchange various resources with the external environment
access to such organizations is open to all comers
for normal and uninterrupted operation, economic organizations have enough resources that they own
modern large business organizations, as a rule, are open joint stock companies

A light administrative administrative revolution took place in ...
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in 1605–1562 BC.
in 1792–1750 BC.
in 605-562 years. BC.
in V millennium BC

The use of quantitative methods of research takes a special importance ...
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in difficult conditions
in conditions characterized by a small set of quantitative characteristics
in conditions requiring the processing of a large amount of information
in simple conditions
in time pressure

The author of the phrase “I don’t have one house to build, how can I take ten thousand? If available
The relevant knowledge of the subject and the ability to control people can equally well be carried out in such a way, as well as
in war, so and the government "is considered ...
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G. Mintsberg singled out ... the field of managers
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The current approach is related to ... the direction of management
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The main works of F. Teylopa and other prominent members of the school for basic management were first translated into English ...
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in 1918–1921
in 1911–1914
in the 1920-1930s
in 1904–1908

Responsive image of distinctive or exclusive characteristics that are attractive and emanating from the manager
from a number of other people, it’s called ...
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Non-standard, flexible management and collective responsibility ...
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characteristic of american management
not characteristic of either American or Japanese mene
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