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SYNERGY World economy and international economic relations Answers to tests.
30 questions score 83/100 points - Good

The country´s foreign trade turnover is ...
all export deliveries
all exports, excluding non-taxable goods
amount of exports and imports
all exports of the country, excluding humanitarian supplies and aid

The legally established ratio between the two currencies is ...
monetary parity
currency parity
exchange rate
gold parity

The prohibition of the import / export of certain goods, including weapons and scientific and technical information into any country, is called ...

The basis for the dominance of international corporations in the world market ...
constitute direct investment
makes up loan capital
is borrowed capital
constitute portfolio investments

The main principle of the World Trade Organization is ...
in providing loans to participants in foreign trade, export credit insurance
in the application of most favored nation treatment in trade, reciprocity of trade concessions
in ensuring an individual regime of foreign trade for each country, in the conduct of foreign trade on the basis of public law

Introduction of voluntary export restrictions-quotas ...
benefits the exporting country
turns out to be more profitable for the importing country than using the import quota
increases the welfare of the importing country
brings benefits to the importing country and the exporting country equally

The main factor contributing to the expansion of international trade is ...
an increase in the number of countries using dollars to settle transactions
transition to the use of a single European currency
strengthening international economic integration
introduction of the euro currency

Money used in international economic relations becomes ...
credit instrument
If a country has introduced new customs duties on the import of imported cars, then this is an example of a policy ...

The real exchange rate is called ...
nominal exchange rate, recalculated taking into account the dynamics of prices in the home country and in the country of foreign currency
rate at which foreign trade participants exchange currency
central bank rate
projected exchange rate of the central bank

It is not true that the UN system includes ...
The International Labour Organization
The World Bank
International Chamber of Commerce

Subsidiaries are enterprises in which a direct non-resident investor owns ... capital
less than 3%
more than 50%
less than 10%
more than 25%

Systematized lists of goods subject to customs duties, indicating the value of their rates - this is ...
tariff methods of foreign trade regulation
customs tariff
customs duties
type of customs tariff

If a certain amount of foreign currency is expressed in the value of the corresponding amount of the national currency, then this ...
cross course
direct quotation
reverse quotation

Tariff methods of foreign trade regulation include ...
import or export quota
technical standards
government export credits
customs duty

The purpose of preferential tariffs is ...
response to certain actions of the partner
creation of favorable conditions for trade in any product or with any country
response to export subsidies in other countries
equalization of prices to a level that is considered normal

The main argument in defense of free trade is that ...
customs duties and other protectionist restrictions reduce incentives for the development of national production, since they weaken
customs duties are an important source of state budget revenues
customs duties and other protectionist measures prevent the growth of unemployment in the country that applies them
The foreign trade balance is ...
amount of exports and imports
excess of exports over imports
difference between exports and imports
national income minus imports

With the aim of encouraging private foreign investment, the provision of funds for production in developing countries, an international organization such as ...
International Development Association
International Finance Corporation
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Currency devaluation means ...
official depreciation of the national currency against foreign currency at fixed exchange rates
transition to partial convertibility of the national currency
official appreciation of the national currency against foreign currency at fixed exchange rates

According to the theory ..., the exchange price is set according to the law of supply and demand at such a level that the aggregate of exports of each country allows you to pay for the aggregate of its imports
factors of production E. Heckscher and B. Olin
international value J.S. Mill
absolute advantages of A. Smith
relative advantages of D. Ricardo

Euro currency is ...
set of securities traded on the European stock market
currencies of European Union countries deposited with credit institutions within the country of origin of the currency
European unit of account
any monetary unit that is invested in credit institutions outside the country of origin of the currency

The country´s quota in the capital of the IMF ...
depends on the scale of the country´s economy
is the same for all members
determined depending on the gold reserves of the country
is determined as a result of negotiations with a country wishing to join the IMF

The growth of labor immigration will lead to the fact that in the host country ...

production of both goods will increase
the production of a capital-intensive product will decrease, and the production of a labor-intensive product will increase
production of both goods will decrease
the production of a capital-intensive product will increase and the production of a labor-intensive product will decrease

The process of withdrawing part of the capital from the national circulation in a given country and transferring it in commodity or money form into the production process and circulation of another country is ...
capital flight
capital migration
international capital movement
foreign investment

Free trade zone - these are areas of the country, ...
specially designed for foreign direct investment
in which tax legislation does not apply
not covered by the state customs regime
where any kind of economic activity is allowed
in which public works are carried out on a large scale

According to ..., national production differences are determined by different endowments of factors of production - labor, land, capital, as well as the internal need for certain goods
the theorem of price equalization for factors of production by E. Heckscher and B. Olin
P. Krugman´s theory of consumer preferences
A. Smith´s theory of absolute advantages
the Leontief paradox

Non-tariff methods of foreign trade regulation include ...
transit duties
value added taxes
technical standards
export duties

If the rate of the national currency goes down, it will ...
will positively affect the interests of importers
negatively affect the conditions of export activities
will have a positive effect on the conditions of export activities
will negatively affect the interests of importers

In the commodity structure of world trade, the most dynamically growing volume of trade in products ...
manufacturing industry
extractive industries
Food Industry
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