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Synergy Test Answers
Causes changing the way other products associated with them are called ...
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The indicator “Relying on the cost of working with the top-managers of the business to the cost of the main business” is
for example, a relative indicator ...
Check the correct answer:
the implementation of the plan
the structure

If the average value of the product is 100%, and the average deviation is 28, the coefficient of variation will be
paven ...
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The study of the influence of the indicator “half of the employee” on the indicator “loyalty to the policy of the innovations of the organization”, expressed
Variants “high” and “low”, can be done by calculating ...
Check the correct answer:
Pearson linear correlation coefficient
mutual conjugation coefficient of Chuprov
association coefficient

If the manager is on a panel to study the performance of a quarter of the labor of physicists
persons of the corporation have extracted a systematic sample of 30 people out of 150 managers who are in the state, including the sampling
The sampling it provided is equal to ...
Check the correct answer:
20 %
50 %
thirty %

In the analysis of the circulation of the product, the composite index of the price of products amounted to 104.5%. - therefore, the cost of the products ...
Check the correct answer:
increased by 104.5%
decreased by 4.5%
increased by 4.5%

In the Russian Federation, the implementation of the official functions of the statistically statistically excluded account is for…
Check the correct answer:
Federal State Statistics Service
all business entities regardless of their ownership
Government of the Russian Federation

Coverage units distinguish ...
Check the correct answer:
continuous and incomplete observation
direct observation, documentary observation and interviewing
continuous, one-time and periodic monitoring

With the functional dependence between X and Y, the value of the coefficient of correlation ...
Check the correct answer:
close to zero
close to one
equals zero
equal to one

If the volume of investment water is characterized by the following range of dynamics, million pyb. by the month of 2013 (see table), then the middle
an absolute increase in the volume of investment over the last 3 months is ...
Check the correct answer:
2 million rubles
-2 million rubles.
3 million rubles
-3 million rubles.

In the intranet group of companies, the size of the salary, consisting of 5 groups, with
a wide interval of 20 thousand. pyb. and a maximum salary of 130 thousand. pyb., minimum size
Monthly salary of employees ...
Check the correct answer:
30 thousand rubles
25 thousand rubles
20 thousand rubles
6.5 thousand rubles

For direct communication with an increase or decrease in X ...
Check the correct answer:
decreases or increases the value of Y
Y value increases or decreases
Y value remains unchanged

With an increase in all values ​​of 6 times the average quarterly rejection ...
Check the correct answer:
will increase 6 times
Will not change
will increase 4 times

With all the variations of the values ​​on the unit, the average value ...
Check the correct answer:
increase by A units
Will not change
will increase A times
decrease by A units

If the correlation coefficient is known, equal to -0.603, and the constant least method of equilibrium
regression Yx = 38.2 - 5.3X, that is, the value of Y with X = 5 sets ...
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The object of statistics is the study ...
Check the correct answer:
statistical aggregates
the relationship between socio-economic phenomena through statistical indicators
the quantitative side of mass socio-economic phenomena and processes
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