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Score good, Industry Markets Synergy Test Answers

The Lerner Index determines ...
degree of concentration
monopoly power
market share
total number of firms in the industry

Price Discrimination Under Russian Law ...
completely banned
not subject to regulation
in some cases allowed

An industry is a collection ...
enterprises producing similar products using similar resources and similar technologies
sellers selling close products using close resources and close technologies
buyers united by similar needs

“Predatory pricing” in the market of a dominant firm is a policy in which the price of ... firms in a competitive environment
much higher than average production costs
well below marginal production costs
much higher than marginal production costs
much lower than average production costs

The same principle underlies the allocation of such types of monopolies as ...
closed monopoly, cartel and state monopoly
open monopoly, cartel, concern and trust
natural, administrative and economic monopoly
pure monopoly, concern, cartel and natural monopoly

All other things being equal, unconditional evidence of the successful implementation of product differentiation will be ...
significant economies of scale
expansion of market demand
decrease in the elasticity of demand for the firm´s product
reduction of production costs

It is not true that when determining geographic boundaries is taken into account ...
the ability to move demand between territories
set of buyers united by similar needs
no restrictions on the export of goods
a collection of sellers selling related products using similar resources and related technologies

It is not true that the network effect takes place when ...
purchasing a computer
purchasing a refrigerator
learning English
buying a car

The market is ...
meeting point for buyers and sellers
set of enterprises producing related products
a system of relationships in which the links between buyers and sellers are so free that prices for the same product tend to be fast

Prices in online stores ... prices in regular retail stores
not higher
not less

The industrial (industrial) policy of the state is ...
economic policy of the state
state competition policy
government policy to support industry
antitrust policy

The types of price discrimination of the second degree include ...
interconnected sales with fixed and non-fixed proportions of production
simple tariff, block tariff and double tariff
zonal prices and price differentiation depending on the status of the consumer

Bane´s capping pricing model is based on ...
lower prices
the dominant firm´s absolute cost advantage
production of higher quality goods
relative cost advantages

Industrial and Competition Policy ...
independent from each other
are in conflict with each other
complement each other
these are synonymous concepts

Professors of the Harvard School E. Mason and D. Bane developed a paradigm, the essence of which is represented by the diagram ...
"Structure - behavior - research"
"Structure - functioning - result"
"Structure - behavior - result"
"Base - structure - result"

The strategic interaction of firms on the principle of "leader-follower" analyzes the model ...

The process of transforming ideas into practical use is ...
key technology
Price barriers include ...
application of prohibitive prices
product differentiation
vertical integration
additional investment

Franchising conditions in the case of a restaurant or hotel chain are aimed at ...
increasing economies of scale
preserving and maintaining reputation
acceleration of customer service at different points of the chain
interchangeability of personnel from different firms

Formiecher´s model in the industry market is ...
dominant firm price leadership model
a duopoly model, where firms make decisions about the volume of products consistently
cartel model
a duopoly model, when firms make decisions about the volume of production at the same time

The methods of non-price regulation of natural monopoly include ...
holding tenders and auctions
government orders policy
reorganization of companies
quality control of natural monopoly

Public Welfare Influenced by Advertising ...
does not change

The market power of the dominant firm in the long run depends on ...
from changes in market prices
on the number of firms capable of entering the market and their speed of entering it
of the share of the dominant firm

It is not true that the productivity of development and innovation is due to ...
the scale of the firm
R&D costs
the degree of interest of the company´s management in innovations and in the intensity of communication with the external scientific community
technological capabilities of the company

The prerequisites for the emergence of a natural monopoly include ...
technology features
insufficient market capacity compared to the minimum efficient release
economies of scale

Administrative barriers include ...
licensing of enterprises
product differentiation
market volume
production quotas
environmental standards

The economy of industrial markets as a separate area of ​​economic research originated and developed on the basis of ...
rational expectations theory
monetarist approach
Chicago School
Harvard School

Under Russian law, a company is recognized as dominant if its market share ...
more than 50%
more than 25%
more than 35%
less than 55%

It is not true that ... is the stage of the innovation process
diffusion of invention

X-inefficiency is ...
opportunity cost of monopolization
a situation where production costs under monopoly conditions are lower than under competitive conditions
the difference between the effective level of costs in the industry and the real level of monopolist costs
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