Content: Как удвоить продажи, используя знания психологии людей.pdf (614.97 KB)
Uploaded: 01.10.2019

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The expression “Little things do not play a decisive role - they just decide everything!” - directly relates to the question of the role of knowledge of the psychology of people in the sphere of sales. The main reason for the failure of beginners in this area of ​​activity is a frivolous attitude to this issue and a lack of such knowledge. Lack of presentations, as well as attention to them to what you are talking about, as well as lack of sales, always have the same reason in the root - you incorrectly built relationships with people. How to do it right, to be successful, says the book by Elena Kemler “How to double sales, using the knowledge of the psychology of people”.
he author has 53 years of experience working with people, 27 of them in AMC. Since the book is not about the product and its presentation, but about preparing oneself for success, about relationships with people in matters of contract about presentation, organizing attention of listeners and preventing controversial situations at the presentation, as well as organizing successful sales, this book can claim to be useful to everyone involved in this area, regardless of what product you present to your audience.
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