Content: Прохождение ремонта механических узлов и гидро-пневмо-смазочной аппаратуры.docx (77.23 KB)
Uploaded: 02.03.2019

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This instruction determines the procedure for repairing used mechanical units and hydro-pneumatic-lubricating equipment (hereinafter the products of the revolving stock) at the site of the average repair of the CRI.The instruction is intended to ensure proper document flow, create a system for the renewal of warehouse stock and increase responsibility for the safety of products of the revolving fund during operation and repair. Format instructions and applications WORD. Samples of documents in PDF. Designed in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Management System.
The instruction is universal (impersonal) and requires adaptation in relation to your organization or enterprise. Here it is necessary to change the name of the company CJSC "Enterprise" or JSC "P" on the name of your organization. You can do this manually in the text or by pressing ctrl+H. you Also need to change the names of departments ( departments, workshops, positions) to departments from your current organization structure.
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