Доп. контент
Для запуска требуется Steam-версия игры Call of Duty: Black Ops - Mac Edition.
8 new multiplayer maps, 2 new zombie levels, 1 epic experience!
"Hangar 18," located in a highly classified military base where you will fight through experimental weapons labs, the SR-71 test hangar, and a mysterious autopsy room;
"Drive-In," close quarters combat through a 60´s American Drive-In theater, whose last showing was "Attack of the…", complete with a snack shack and a classic arcade;
"Silo," infiltrate a massive secret Soviet nuclear missile site under construction in this multilevel battleground; and
"Hazard," play through this coastal golf course fit for a Dictator, on the cliff sides of Cuba, where stocked clubhouses and manicured fairways meet snipers hidden in sand traps.
"Hotel", on the roof of a Cuban luxury hotel and casino against the vivid backdrop of old Havana.
"Convoy" delivers intense, close-quarters combat at the scene of an ambushed US military convoy.
"Zoo" takes you on a wild ride in an abandoned Soviet Russian Zoo, with danger at every turn.
"Stockpile" pits players in a remote Russian farm town housing secret WMD facilities.
“Call of the Dead”. Play as a zombie-killing dream-team against a new and unnerving zombie menace. Set in a mysterious ice-covered remote Siberian island, a group of four fearless explorers fight for their lives amidst an army of bloodthirsty Russian zombies.
"Shangri-La" A legendary shrine is lost in an exotic jungle, where new undead species lurk within a treacherous labyrinth of underground caverns. Navigate through deadly traps and solve the dark secrets buried within the shifting walls of this zombie infested temple.
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