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Programma sbrosa raskhodnykh materialov, blokov barabanov, CHIPov, pechek,transportnykh remney v tsvetnykh printerakh OKI.

VSE VOPROSY PO RABOTE PROGRAMMY obsuzhdayutsya v kommentariyakh (vnizu stranitsy).

Vnimaniye! Programma ne rabotayet na printerakh:
- OKI seriy C822, C831, C841 i MFU na ikh baze.
- na seriyakh OKI s WiFi
- nekotorykh drugikh modelyakh printerov OKI
- na printerakh Xerox Ph 7400
- na nekotorykh printerakh Xante Ilumina

Pri sbrose chipov, remney i osobenno dramov (v monokhromnykh modelyakh OKI), NE ZABYVAYTE sledit´ za urovnem otrabotannogo tonera, udalyayte yego vovremya.
Program reset consumables, drum units, chips, stoves, transport belts in color printers OKI.

ALL QUESTIONS IN THE WORK PROGRAMME discussed in the comments (at the bottom of the page).

Attention! The program does not work with printers:
- OKI series C822, C831, C841 and MFPs on their base.
- On OKI series with WiFi
- Some other models OKI Printer
- Printers Xerox Ph 7400
- On some printers Xante Ilumina

When you reset the chips, especially belts and AMD (in monochrome models OKI), DO NOT FORGET to monitor the level of waste toner, remove it in time.
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