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Examination Metrology 31-Ukhta State Technical University

Task №1
According to the measurement results of the measured value and the measured value obtained by using the model of the device Q, determine:
1.Srednee arithmetic Xsr measurement result;
2.Sistematicheskuyu Xsis error of the instrument;
3. Evaluation of dispersion D (x);
4. Secondary deviation (x);
5.Sluchaynuyu Xsl error measurement method;
6.Sluchaynuyu error of the measurement result X CPR;
the result of measurement expressed in the form X = (Xsr -Xsis) + X CPR.

Problem №2

The resistance R is composed of three parallel-connected resistances R1, R2, R3. According to the results of direct measurements of R1, R2 and R3 determine the resistance R.
For a given measurement results R1, R2, R3 determine :
1. The arithmetic mean value R1sr , R2sr and R3sr .
2. Errors in the measurement results Å R1sr p , p and R2sr Å Å R3sr p .
3. The arithmetic mean value of the Rav .
4. The absolute error in determining Rsl .
The result is written as : R = Rav + Rsl .
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