Content: УГО сварных швов.rar (115.33 KB)
Uploaded: 02.10.2015

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Collection of conditional graphic designations of the welds in the design documents of the products of all industries, as well as the construction documents, which do not use images and symbols are used in construction.
Sections of the documentation: Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings, diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation.

Created by: GOST 2.312-72 "Unified system for design documentation. Symbols and designations of the welds. "

Format - DWG.
62 element.
100% in accordance with GOST.

The archive contains the halyards, made as a standard drawing format, DWG, compatible with AutoCAD 2000-2016, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD etc.
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