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Public Economics test answers 34 questions.

1. Public Choice Theory - a theory that studies the different ways and methods by which people use pravitelstven¬nye institutions for their own purposes.

Well No

2. The desire of individuals to achieve their particular goals through collective action contrary to the basic premises of the theory of public choice.

Well No

3. Assuming that the voter is acting solely on the basis of self-interest, it can be expected that it would refuse to participate in elections.

Well No

4. Rational policy generally support programs that promote the growth of their prestige, even if they are not associated with the possibility of increasing the current personal income.

Well No

5. "economic man" maximize income or other material benefits

Well No

6. methodological individualism implies:

a) the ability to separate business and politics;

b) the ability to prioritize the public interest;

c) the use of the political process for personal purposes;

g) split the trade union movement.

7. The concept of "economic man" means:

a) rational behavior of the individual;

b) the desire to avoid participation in the political process by any means;

c) both answers are correct;

d) there is no right answer.

8. Market failures include:

a) the existence of monopolies;

b) external effects;

c) the public good;

d) all answers are correct.

9. The concept of rationality used in public choice theory consists in the fact that:

a) a person has complete information for decision-making:

b) a person takes the right decisions;

c) a person prefers to $ 100. one kiss;

g) none of the above is not true.

10. The methodology of public choice theory is based:

a) the application to the study of economic problems instruments humanities (law, history, political science);

b) on the application to the study of the humanitarian problems instruments eq. Theory;

c) on an analysis of the sociological and political statistics;

d) at the application analysis of organizational and economic problems pred¬vybornyh campaigns;

d) correct answers (b), (c);

e) correct answers (b), (c), (d).

11. "failures" of the state - these are the cases where the state is unable to ensure the effective distribution and use of private resources.

Well No

12. Rational policy generally support programs that promote the growth of their prestige, even if they are not associated with the possibility of increasing the current personal income.

Well No

13. The demand curve for the public good in contrast to the demand curve for the private benefit of a positive slope.

Well No

14. A purely private good - it is good, each piece of which can be sold for a fee.

Well No

15. Clean the public good - it is good that is consumed collectively by all citizens, regardless of whether people are paid for it or not.

Well No

16. Is a private property without a state?

Well No

17. The company has compared to the state structure saves on costs and loses information on the costs of negotiation.

Well No

18. Parliamentary sovereignty - is:

a) The parliamentary immunity;

6) prohibition of dissolution;

c) the ability to publish any law;

d) all the statements are incorrect.

19. "failures" of the state include:

a) the imperfection of the political process;

b) limited control over the bureaucracy:

c) the inability of the state to provide full and prokontroli¬rovat consequences of decisions;

d) all answers are correct.

20. Fortunately, the consumption of which indiscriminately just to opredelen¬nogo consumption is called:

a) a purely private good;

b) pure public good;

c) to overload the public good;

g) exclude the public good.

21. imperfections of the political process in a democracy are:

a) lobbying;

b) logrolling;

c) the search for political rent;

d) all of the an
22. Which of the following benefits are purely social:

a) maintaining cleanliness in the center of Moscow;

b) national defense;

c) pension;

d) Cable TV.

23. Determine the type of such benefits, as knowledge:

a) pure public good;

b) exclude the public good;

c) to overload the public good;

d) a purely private good.

24. The bureaucratic apparatus is required for:

a) more efficient allocation of economic resources;

b) process control, the effectiveness of which is difficult to determine market methods;

c) both of the previous answers are correct;

d) the two previous answers wrong.

25. Who actually enjoys the fundamental rights of the owner when formally proclaimed state ownership:

a) citizens of the country as a whole;

b) the head of state;

c) the political elite;

d) management of a particular company;

e) other (list correct, in your opinion, the items - plus ... points).

26. A survey of voters in order to predict the outcome of the upcoming elections can be considered political and economic experiment.

Well No

27. The new political economy refers to the radical economic theories.

Well No

28. Pat-analysis - a method to assess the degree of vzaimovliniya variables in the causal model.

Well No

29. Modern liberal economic theory allows direct government intervention in the market economy.

Well No

30. Political economy is different from the natural sciences the impossibility of setting a fully controlled experiment.

Well No

31. Economic-mathematical modeling of political protses¬sov began to develop:

32. School of public choice theory can be attributed such a galaxy of scientists, as

33. Charles Gide and Charles Rist, in his "History of Economic Thought" named views John Stuart Mill "individualist-socialist program." By the socialist elements of the proposed DS Mill reforms include:

34. Proposed Popper falsifiability principle means that:

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