"The right to social security
Option 1
Question 1. Pensions for long service soldiers and those who served in the ATS (types, terms of appointment, the size).
Question 2. The grant of maternity leave.
Question 3. Take the sum of the insurance period Filimonov. His work activity consists of the following periods: 5 years - study at the Institute of Road; 4 years - working as an engineer at the plant; 4 months after the dismissal did not work due to temporary disability; 16 years - worked as a mechanical engineer at the farm; 1 year - he was in prison, released in conjunction with rehabilitation; 5 years - he worked as a seasonal worker at the Rafting (full duration of the season - 6 months); 6 years - he worked as a mechanic at the car repair factory.
Question 4. For a pension called the doctor c. Voronin IN, 57-mi years. His experience: 5 years - study at the medical school; 20 years - work in the office of a surgeon in the countryside; 4 years - service in the Interior Ministry as a doctor; 9 years - the doctor, the self-employed in the city.
Identify the right to a pension, its type, size and duration of the appointment.
Question 5. Locksmith Danilov was absent from work due to temporary incapacity for 15 days (July 8 appealed to the clinic in the community in connection with the aggravation of a stomach ulcer). July 10 local doctor accidentally found him in the yard over drinks and made a corresponding mark on the sheet of disability.
Will Danilov paid temporary disability benefits? If so, in what amount (its total length of service of 12 years)?
Recommended reading:
Zakharov ML, Tuchkova EG The right to social security. Russia: Uchebnik.- M. 2004.
Suleymanova GV The right to social security. Rostov-on-Don., Publishing House "Phoenix" in 2003.
Normative-legal acts:
RF Law "On pension security of those performing military service, service in bodies of internal affairs, the institutions and bodies of the correctional system, and their families" from February 12, 1993 № 4468-1.
Resolution of the Council of Ministers "On the procedure for the calculation of years of service, appointment and payment of pensions and benefits for military service as officers, warrant officers and re-enlisted military personnel or contract as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and petty officers or service in the internal cases and their families in the Russian Federation "dated 22 September 1993 № - 941.
Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" dated 17dekabrya 2001 № 173-FZ.
Federal law "On ensuring benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth citizens subject to compulsory social insurance" from 29.12.2006, № 255-FZ.
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