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Collection of case studies on the subject "Foreign investments", 10 jobs.

Task №1

Loan term - 1 year, the amount of the loan - 100 000 p., The refund amount - 120000 p .. Calculate the interest rate and the discount rate.

Task №2

The bank placed a deposit - 30,000 p., The term - 4 years. Calculate interest rate.

Task №3

The Bank issues a loan at 14% per annum, period - 4 years, the refund amount - 60000 p. Calculate the size of the loan.

Task №4

Created an investment fund. Annual contributions - 100,000 r.Protsentnaya rate - 10%. Determine the value of the fund within 5 years.

Setting №5

Capital investments - 60,000 rubles., Annual income - 20,000 rubles. Project implementation period - 5 years, discount rate - 10%. Calculate NPV.

Task №6

Capital investments - 60,000 rubles., NPV - 21,600 rubles., The discount rate - 10%. Find the index of ROI.

Task №7

Capital investments - 50,000 rubles., Annual payments - 20,000 rubles. Find payback.

Setting №8

The size of the loan - 3000 r., Sum to return - 4500 p., Interest on the loan - 20% (simple interest). Find repayment period.

Task №9

The size of the loan - 2000 r., The refund amount - 2200 p., Loan term - 0.5 years. Find interest.

Task №10

The refund amount - 7000 p., Term of the loan - 0.25 years, the interest on the loan - 12% (simple interest). Find the size of the loan.
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23.07.2018 20:58:00
Добрый вечер! Большое спасибо, помогли разобраться с задачами.
С уважением ,Елена.