Final exam RFEI "Financial Mathematics". Rated 5 points.
Answers to the 50 questions in the form of a table.
A separate file containing all the questions.
Questions for comparison:
1. What it is not a product of the financial market?
a) Money.
b) Industrial Products.
c) Securities.
2. How else called securities - contracts for the supply of goods in the future?
a) futures.
b) Bonds.
c) Shares.
3. Issuer called
a) the organization, to issue securities
b) the owner, to invest in securities;
c) citizen exercising promotions securities.
49. Debt 100 thousand. Rub. you must repay successive equal installments over 5 years postnumerando payments. For the loan is paid interest rate - 20%. What will be the size of annual debt payments?
a) 20 thousand. rub.
b) 11 thousand. rub.
c) 12 thousand. rub.
50. Debt 100 thousand. Rub. you must repay successive equal installments over 5 years postnumerando payments. For the loan is paid interest rate - 20%. What will be the amount of interest paid for the second year?
a) 16 thousand. rub.
b) 21 thousand. rub.
c) 14 thousand. rub.
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