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Regional economy and management. Test 60 questions.

Task 1

Question 1. Region - is ... (note the extra)

1. Definition of the territory, which differs from other areas on a number of features and has some integrity, interconnectivity of its constituent elements;

2. Determination of the economic complex of the country, characterized by geographical conditions and natural resource specialization;

3. holistic land area, has some uniformity at its core but does not have clear boundaries;

4. holistic land area, has some uniformity at its core, has clear boundaries;

5. The territory characterized by homogeneity in one or more respects (aspects).

Question 2. The criteria for the formation of the concept of "region" are not:

1. psychological;

2. Geographic;


4.proizvodstvenno functional;


Question 3. The main subsystems of the region as a socio-economic system are:

1. The environment, population and market infrastructure;

2. sistemoobsluzhivayuschy system-base and complex;

3. The system-base sistemoobsluzhivayuschy complex, ecology, population and infrastructure market.

4. The system-base and population;

5. The system-base sistemoobsluzhivayuschy complex and infrastructure market.

Question 4. Integrated management of the region is:

1. The relationship between the elements of the economy;

2. The balance of proportional coordinated development of the productive forces of the region;

3. The percentage of products within the regional production consumed in the region;

4. The proportion of cross-sectoral production applications;

5. utilization of regional resources.

Question 5. Signs of the region are:

1.upravlyaemost, integrity, economic independence, diversity of connections;

2. control, integrity, economic dependency, diversity relations;

3. handling, divisible into smaller parts, economic independence, diversity of connections;

4. subordination to the central power, divisible into smaller parts, economic dependence, lack of communication;

5. uniqueness, integrity, lack of communication;

Task 2

Question 1. The economic system of the company is:

1. collection of all economic processes;

2. The collection of all the processes taking place in society;

3. The totality of property relations and organizational forms of society;

4. The totality of all property relations in society;

5. The totality of all the economic processes taking place in a society based on existing therein property relations and organizational forms.

Question 2. The elements of the economic system are not:

1. the socio-economic relations;

2. cultural traditions;

3. organizational forms of economic activity;

4. The economic ties between economic entities;

5. The economic mechanism.

Question 3. The forms of social division of labor are:

1. territorial;

2. branch;

3.territorialnoe and branch;

4. General, particular and singular;

5.General and private;

Question 4. Concentration indices are calculated on the basis of:

1. The data on the size of the enterprise;

2. The data on the volume of production;

3. Information on the state of company's assets;

4. Information on the status of assets and liabilities of the enterprise;

5. Information on the status of assets and the amount of production enterprises.

Question 5. Profile of the entity is:

1. its specialization in the finished product;

2. The extent of his participation in the social division of labor;

3. The set of parameters characterizing its role in the social division of labor;

4. its specialization in process steps;

5. The set of parameters that define the type of specialization.

Activity 3

Question 1. The Russian Federation includes:

1. 88 subjects of the Federation;

2. 89 subjects of the Federation;
Question 2. The Russian Federation is built:

1. along national lines;

2. mixed type;

3. the administrative principle;

4 on the national and territorial basis;

5. The administrative and territorial principle.

Question 3. The system of regional management includes:

1. The system of government and public service;

2. The set of government functions, methods and resources used to implement these functions;

3. The system of federal and regional authorities, a system of relations between objects and subjects of management;

4. The system of federal and regional authorities, a set of government functions, methods and resources used to implement these functions, the system of the civil service system of relations between objects and subjects of management;

5. The system of public service and systems (direct and inverse) arising between the objects and subjects of management.

Question 4. The organizational structure of management regions for fede¬ralnom level consists of:

1. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

2. The Government of the Russian Federation and its agencies and departments;

3. The Ministry of the Government of the Russian Federation;

4. The Government of the Russian Federation and its agencies, departments and ministries;

5. Sectoral departments of the Russian Government and its agencies, departments and ministries of the Administration of the President.

Question 5. The direct methods of governance include:

1. methods for tax policy;

2. Operations of the Central Bank of government bonds on the securities market;

3. The control of prices and tariffs;

4. regulation of interbank interest rates;

5. regulation of interest rates.

Task 4

Question 1. Socio-economic development includes:

1. The growth of production and income;

2. any progressive change;

3. changes in the institutional, social and administrative structures of society;

4. The growth of production and income, changes in the institutional, social and administrative structures of society, in the public consciousness, traditions and habits;

5. The change in the public consciousness, traditions and habits.

Question 2. The long-term regional development objectives include:

1. The development of services;

2. improving living standards in the region;

3. The increase in the level of employment in the region;

4. The development of small businesses;

5. attracting new businesses.

Question 3. Create a supportive environment for the development of business activity in the region includes:

1. availability of market infrastructure, land and rights to her well-developed transport, communications, office facilities, etc .;

2. The reduction of local taxes or providing cheap capital through loan instruments, grants, guarantees and even direct borrowings;

3. direct cooperation administration and private organizations;

4. The increase in the number of non-governmental organizations, non-state involved in solving the problems of economic development;

5. territorial differentiation and division of labor.

Question 4. The strategic goal of regional management - ...

Question 5. Structural proportions shown:

Task 5

Question 1. The elements of the state regional policy are:


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