Solution of task K2 Variant 06: The mechanism consists of stepped wheels 1-3, engaged or connected by belt drive, rack 4 and load 5, tied to the end of a thread wound on one of the wheels (Figure K2.0, Table K2 ). The radii of the wheel stages are equal: wheel 1 has r1 = 2 cm, R1 = 4 cm, wheel 2 has r2 = 6 cm, R2 = 8 cm, wheel 3 has r3 - 12 cm, R3 = 16 cm. the points A, B and C are located in the "Given" column of the table. The law of motion or the law of change in the speed of the leading link of the mechanism, where φ1 (t) is the law of rotation of the wheel 1, s2 (f) is the law of motion of the rack 4, ω2 (t ) Is the law of variation of the angular velocity of the wheel 2, v5 (t) is the law of the change in the speed of the load 5, etc. (everywhere φ is expressed in radians, s is in centimeters, t is in seconds). Positive direction for φ and ω against the clockwise direction, for s4, s5 and v4, v5 - down. Determine the velocities (v-linear, ω-angular) and the accelerations (a-linear, ε-angular) of the corresponding points or bodies (v5-the speed of the cargo 5, etc., at the time t1 = 2) etc.).
Immediately after payment you will receive a link to the archive with the solution of the problem of theoretical mechanics K2 B06 (figure 0 condition 6) from the methodology of Targ SM. 1989 for students-zaochnikov engineering, construction, transport, instrument-making specialties of higher educational institutions. The task is in the form of a manuscript.
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