Department of Management
on discipline: Innovation Management.
on the theme: Quality Management
to ISO 9000
on a small production plant.
Supervisor: ________________________
Finished student: ________ _______ group rate
Speciality: ________________________________
(F & O student)
Completion date of work: _____________________________
Assessment of the course work: _______________________
Introduction ........................................................................... ..3
1.Standart ISO 9000 ............................................................ .5
1.1 version of the standard ISO 9000 ................................................ 5
1.2Tsel ISO 9000 .......................................... ..7
1.3Standarty included in a series ............................................. ..9
2.Innovatsionnaya model of quality management (TQM) ......... ... 10
2.2 Stages of Quality Management System ..................... .13
3.Vnedrenie ISO 9000 standards
a small business ...................................................... ... 14
3.1 Characteristics of the application of ISO 9000
a small business ......................................................... ..18
3.2 Case Study ISO 9000 .......................................... .20
Conclusion ..................................................................... ... 25
Literature ........................................................................ 27
ISO 9000 - A series of international standards, which describe the requirements for a quality management system of organizations and enterprises.
Series of ISO 9000 developed by the Technical Committee TC 176 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, International Organization for Standardization). The standards are based on the ideas of the theory of total quality management (TQM) It is considered that the development of the 1st version of the ISO TC 176 9000 guided the British standard BS 5750, developed by the British Standards Institution BSI. In turn, it is believed that the British standard based on industry standards, VPK
ISO 9000 is the first international management system standards, regulatory requirements for products to achieve customer satisfaction. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated - member bodies for voting. Publication as Member States taking part in the vote.
These standards are constantly being improved, they are reviewed twice today operates 2000 version.
In the course of this paper we attempt to describe the processes of quality management based on innovative management approaches that can be used for the next stage of development of the standard of ISO, including those adapted to the production and in the field of small and medium-sized businesses.
Most businesses of all sectors are experiencing some problems with the implementation of quality management system. In a small business, these problems may be more severe due to:
limited resources;
difficulties in understanding and application of standards;
the high cost of implementing and maintaining quality management systems.
Some customers from the private and public sectors have greater confidence in enterprises have a system of quality management. Compliance with consumer expectations may be sufficient reason for introducing these systems, but there may be other reasons, which include the following:
improving the efficiency and productivity of enterprises, better coordination of activities;
increased attention to the achievement of business goals and meet the expectations of consumers;
to achieve and maintain compliance with the quality of products or services the company the requirements of consumers;
achieving customer satisfac
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