Objective 1.
Gross Domestic Product - 480, the amount of net investment -30, gross investment - 80, the volume of household consumption -300, -96 public spending, excess state. Budget - 3.
Determine: a) the net national product, b) the net exports (NE).
a) NNP GNP differs from the value of depreciation. At the same amount different gross and net investment.
D = Ibr- In = 80 - 30 = 50
then NNP = 480 - 50 = 430.
Since there is no problem in terms of indirect taxes and subsidies, the
NNP = ND = 430.
b) Now, net exports can be defined as a residual value
NE = y - C - In - G = 430 - 300 - 30 - 96 = 4.
Objective 2.
LP-500, the disposable income - 410, the excess of indirect taxes over subsidies to the business sector 20, household consumption-380, the trade deficit (excess of imports over exports) -10.
Determine: a) public expenditure, b) the sum of direct taxes, if the public deficit is equal to 10.
a) In accordance with the SNA In = S. Since S = yv - C = 410 - 380 = 30,
then In = 30.
Now, net exports can be defined as the residual value of the articles use ND
G = y - C - In + (E - Z) = 500 - 380 - 30 - 10 = 80.
b) Since net indirect taxes are 20, and the budget deficit (- 10), the direct taxes are
T = G - Tkos + δ = 80 - 20 - 10 = 50.
Task 3.
In an economy consisting of three branches -I, II, III, the production technology is characterized by the ratio of direct operating costs aij
III 0,1
0.3 0.2
0.4 0.2
With full use of the industry, the industry I can produce -717,51, II - 1338,98, III-1389,83 units. products. What should be the demand for the final product, if the equation of interbranch balance is can be seen from Xi = -Σ a ijXj
The volume of demand for the final products are obtained by solving
interbranch balance equations:
YI = 717,51 - 0,1 • 717,51 - 0,2 • 1338,98 - 0,2 • 1389,83 = 100;
YII = 1338,98 - 0,3 • 717,51 - 0,2 • 1338,98 - 0,4 • 1389,83 = 300;
_ Y III = 1389,83 - 0,3 • 717,51 - 0,4 • 1338,98 - 0,1 • 1389,83 = 500.
Task 4
What is the difference extensive factors of economic growth from intensive?
By the extensive growth factors include:
-Increase the amount of investments, while maintaining the current level of technology;
increase in the number of employed workers;
the growth of consumption of raw materials, fuel and other elements of working capital.
To intensive growth factors include:
acceleration of scientific and technological progress (introduction of new equipment, technology by updating the fixed assets, etc.);
training of employees;
improve the use of fixed and current assets;
improving the efficiency of business activities due to its better organization.
Task 5.
1.Ot some functions depend induced investment?
(X = ΔK / Δu) - coefficient that shows how many units of the additional capital required to produce an additional unit of output.
With this incremental capital to increase production wo yi needed to induced investment of
- I Jn = x (y1-y0)
2. In any case, induced investments take a negative value?
If this year the size of the national income is reduced compared with the previous year (y; <yt-1), induced investments take a negative value
Task 6.
What is the difference between the marginal productivity of capital by the marginal efficiency of capital?
The difference between the Keynesian and neoclassical features autonomous investment stem from differences r and R *. Marginal productivity of capital (r) haraknerizuet used production technology and in this sense is an objective parameter. Marginal efficiency of capital - a subjective category. This is due to the fact that the values \u200b\u200bof n, determining the value of R *, are estimates; they are based on investor expectations about future prices, costs and volumes of demand. Therefore, looking like both functions discussed in the Keynesian concept of the decisive factor in determining the amount of investment is pessimistic or optimistic investor (index value R *), and in the neo-classical models for this technology - the interest rate (i). In other words, Keynesian investment function has a lower interest rate elasticity than the neoclassical investment function.
Target 7.
What is the essence of the multiplier effect?
The bottom line is that in case of increasing battery life (regardless of income) component of aggregate demand following the growth of the national income will increase and depends on the income component; This will increase production again and so. d.
Target 8.
What are the three motives that generate demand for money is allocated Dzh.Keyns?
The transactions motive, precautionary motive and speculative motive.
Target 9.
What is the main feature of a dynamic equilibrium in the absence of technological progress (Domar model)?
Equality of growth of national income and capital.
Target 10.
What reduces stabilization policy in the economy?
Stabilization policy is reduced to the manipulation of the state budget and changes in the money supply.
15.05.2014 19:58:38
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