Question 1. What is the essence of taxes? What are the main features of the tax.
Question 2. What are the main differences from the collection of the tax.
Question 3. List the main elements of the tax, without which the tax is not considered to be established.
Question 4. Describe the sources of legislation on taxes and levies. How does the civil and tax laws?
Question 5. What kinds of tax systems do you know? Give them a brief description. Which modes, in your opinion is more preferable?
Question 6. Give a brief description of the participants of tax relations.
Question 7: Is it appropriate to tax registration in the specialized inspectorate for large taxpayers?
Question 8: What are the functions of the Federal Tax Service and its structural divisions.
Question 9: What are the ways of calculating taxes. Give a brief description.
Question 10. How do you think will change the load on the business after the abolition of the single social tax and the transfer to the payment of insurance premiums to non-budgetary funds?
Question 11: Can the tax authority does not take a tax return if it is not composed in the prescribed form?
Question 12. What are the rules for appeals against decisions of the tax authority.
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