Verification work on discipline "Logic."
Question 1: What are the differences of thought and sensory perception?
Question 2. What distinguished stage of the process of knowledge?
Question 3. Describe the basic shape and characteristics of abstract thinking.
Question 4. The main functions of the natural and artificial languages.
Question 5. What is studying formal logic, dialectical?
Question 6. The main forms of abstract thinking?
Question 7. Types of concepts and the relationships between them?
Question 8. Operations generalizations and restrictions. The division concepts.
Question 9. Judgments - general characteristics, types, composition.
Question 10. List the basic laws of thought.
Question 11. Give a brief description of deductive reasoning, and other findings.
Question 12. Describe the types of modalities and their main categories.
Question 13. Elements of evidential reasoning, a brief description of them.
Question 14. Hypotheses their construction and testing stages.
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